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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ex-Maui firefighter sentenced for selling meth

WAILUKU, Hawaii (AP) - A former Maui firefighter has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for selling methamphetamine at the Kahului Fire Station.
Juanito Dudoit was sentenced Tuesday. He had been a firefighter for more than 20 years before resigning after he was arrested last year at the fire station.
According to prosecutors, the 49-year-old was selling meth to fellow firefighters at the station to support his own drug habit.
Deputy Prosecutor Tracy Jones says police found 2.5 grams of methamphetamine during searches of his sleeping quarters and locker. His girlfriend was in his sleeping module and told police they had been smoking meth together.
Jones says Dudoit told police he ingested meth before reporting to work.
The Maui News ( ) reports Dudoit said in court he made bad decisions and needs treatment.
Commentary: This firefighter was suppose to be ready for duty in the event of an emergency, yet he was busted for selling drugs from the fire department he worked in. This man should get treatment for his problem and should be fired for selling drugs and endangering the lives of other people.

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